Geografia,História , Filosofia , Sociologia, Ciências Política Lugar de consciência e desenvolvimento contínuo aqui o conhecimento e o bem comum é uma regra seja b... Education Courses
Histórias do Brasil a cavalo - O Podcast da UC Tudo sobre o mundo do cavalo para quem é apaixonado por eles. Muito conteúdo e muitas histórias para... Education Courses
Breve panorama literário amazonense: ilustrações hatounianas Breve panorama sobre a literatura amazonense, que busca apresentar o Clube da Madrugada nesse contex... Education Courses
5 competências do ENEM Fica a dica para quem for prestar vestibular, se atentar na estrutura da sua redação Education Courses
RuralCampoCast RuralCampoCast é o PodCast oficial da Campo& Produção. Um bate papo sobre agricultura sustentável c... Education Courses
Ivan Chagas - polímata e designer instrucional Torne-se um profissional mais polímata. Novas aulas todas as terças e quintas. Education Courses
ToraCast Novas aulas periodicamente, de diversos temas. Conteúdo original, transmitindo os valores atemporais... Education Religion & Spirituality Courses Judaism
Viajando pelo Francês O seu podcast de francês da vida real. Uma viagem segura ao mundo encantado da língua francesa. Co... Education Courses
EPISÓDIO 01 - Questões - Ética OAB Este conteúdo visa ajudar os alunos que estão em processo de aprova no Exame da Ordem dos Advogados.... Education Courses
Podcasts da FEARP / USP Podcasts de eventos realizados na FEA-RP e conteúdos feitos especialmente para Podcast. Education Business Courses
Biologia 🧬 Olá, meu nome é Polyane, sou professora de Biologia e esse Podcast tem o intuito de ajudar estudante... Education Courses
EB Treinamentos Podcast Podcast da EB Treinamentos com todas as nossas lives e bate-papo em áudio para facilitar o seu dia.... Education Courses
Shared Teaching Podcast Teaching is too hard of a job to try to do alone. Every week join Susan, a veteran teacher, as she d... Education Courses How To
Ius Commune Podcast A podcast about the ius commune. Education Government Courses
Higher Ed Marketing Lab Engage with some of the brightest minds in marketing and higher education to uncover practical insig... Education Business Courses
Radiotherapy and its Physics - for iPod/iPhone This masters level science course aims to give you an understanding of the application of physics to... Education Health & Fitness Courses Medicine
Talking Tax with Aidan Moran In this podcast we discuss all things tax from Income Tax, Corporation Ta, Valued Added Tax, and eve... Education Courses
AICE Sociology 2022-2023 This podcast contains audio descriptions of sociological studies we will analyze during class. All m... Education Courses
Summer 2014 | Public lectures and events | Video Video files from LSE's summer 2014 programme of public lectures and events, for more recordings and... Education Courses
Wordsworth, De Quincey and Dove cottage - for iPad/Mac/PC Can a location inspire great poetry? To what extent can a person’s environment influence their art?... Education Courses
Part3 With Me This podcast is about helping architecture Part 3 students and practicing architects through discuss... Education Courses How To
LifeLongLearning@UNIGE LifeLongLearning@UNIGE est le podcast du Centre pour la Formation Continue et à Distance de l’Univer... Education Courses
ProCE: The Pharmacy Practice Podcast Enhance your pharmacy practice with ProCE’s up-to-date, clinically relevant, and evidence-based educ... Education Health & Fitness Courses Medicine
Wordsworth re-visited - Audio Renowned as one the key figures of Romanticism, William Wordsworth broke through poetic traditions a... Arts Education Books Courses
Exploring oak woodland - for iPod/iPhone Oak woodland is a characteristic feature of the English landscape and home to a huge variety of plan... Education Science Courses
DIY Construction Adjudication Adjudication is the number one method in resolving construction disputes in the United Kingdom. The... Education Courses
Lets MRCP(UK) Short, to the point, subject wise discussions of commonly tested topics on the MRCP 1/2 examinations... Education Courses
Mershon Center for International Studies Guest Speakers 2008 - 2009 Guest speakers and conferences hosted by the Mershon Center covering a variety of topics during 2008... Education Courses
The Holocaust - for iBooks This unit explores the Holocaust, as the destruction of European Jewry is commonly known. The mass k... Education History Courses
Investigating spiders: life on a thread - for iPod/iPhone Whether you find spiders fearful or fascinating, they are to be admired for their web-spinning and p... Education Science Courses
Public Law and Legislation Podcasts for Craig Forcese course, CML1104 Public Law & Legislation, at uOttawa law school Education Courses