中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy

故事podcast by 貝貝媽咪😍一位在美國愛說故事的 臨‌床‌藥‌師‌媽咪🥳
裡面有 成語、科學、寓言故事等,讓孩子們用聽故事的方式來學習
以生動活潑的廣播劇方式, 帶著小朋友用想像力一起進入故事世界裡🍄
A story Podcast for kids in Mandarin
produced by BeiBei Mommy, who loves telling stories to kids and using different voices to act out different roles to bring stories to life🍄
All the stories are modified/created to make them more engaging for kids.
Kids can listen to stories and sharpen their Mandarin skills, learn about culture, science and a lot more to inspire curiosity, love💕, and kindness.

🟦Facebook: 請搜尋 "中文故事屋" search for "Little Mandarin Pod"

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄?

There are 57 episodes avaiable of 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄.

What is 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄 about?

We have categorized 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄 as:

  • Kids & Family
  • Stories for Kids

Where can you listen to 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄?

中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄 is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄 start?

The first episode of 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄 that we have available was released 4 May 2021.

Who creates the podcast 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄?

中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄 is produced and created by 貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy.