牛歡喜講膠所 補肉員 《牛歡喜講膠所》,由本地牛隻保育團隊 Joycow 嘅三位「補肉員」,邀請成員們同各方生態關注嘅朋友,淺談環境及動物保育相關議題。作為「講膠所」,我哋唔講財經,但係講生態經,透過資訊剖析、保育實例;喺頻繁變遷嘅「極端氣候」下 chill 傾,致力釐清郊野、「膠野」同「膠嘢」。莫使膠野叢生,請做好思想「補肉」。補肉員:Philip、Tom、Him and 搵緊嘉賓... No. of episodes: 18 Latest episode: 2023-01-02 Science Nature Where can you listen?
Where can you listen to 牛歡喜講膠所? 牛歡喜講膠所 is available, among others places, on: SpotifyApple PodcastsPodtailGoogle Podcasts
When did 牛歡喜講膠所 start? The first episode of 牛歡喜講膠所 that we have available was released 12 October 2021.