بودكاست أريـــكة

بودكاست أريـــكة

Ghmza غمزة

Areeka is a visual podcast with a keen eye for social topics, from psychology to common myths. The podcast is produced by Ghmza and hosted by, a super duo, Bibi AlAbdulmohsen & Talal Sam to tackle and discuss Conspiracy Theories, Personal Biographies, Environment/Science, Technology, Games, and Hobbies while using pop culture as a reference to add a comedic value to the podcast.بودكاست حواري منوّع مع بيبي العبدالمحسن وطلال سام يناقش مواضيع مجتمعية ونفسية وكونية

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of بودكاست أريـــكة?

There are 134 episodes avaiable of بودكاست أريـــكة.

What is بودكاست أريـــكة about?

We have categorized بودكاست أريـــكة as:

  • News
  • Entertainment News

Where can you listen to بودكاست أريـــكة?

بودكاست أريـــكة is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did بودكاست أريـــكة start?

The first episode of بودكاست أريـــكة that we have available was released 23 August 2020.

Who creates the podcast بودكاست أريـــكة?

بودكاست أريـــكة is produced and created by Ghmza غمزة.