Global Gossip

Global Gossip

De Haagse Hogeschool

Global Gossip is *the* podcast about European and international politics in practice, hosted by Mendeltje van Keulen and her colleagues from European Impact at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. From fake news dangers to ambitious sustainability goals to rapid AI advancements, we've got it all covered with expert insight from a wide range of guest speakers.

In addition to regular episodes, the Global Gossip also includes thematic series, such as the one focusing on European Digital Policy which is part of the Jean Monnet Chair EU-ACT DIGITAL.


Global Gossip is *de​* podcast over Europese en internationale politiek in de praktijk, onder leiding van Mendeltje van Keulen en haar collega’s van European Impact aan De Haagse Hogeschool. Van de gevaren van fakenews tot ambitieuze duurzaamheidsdoelen en snelle AI-ontwikkelingen, we behandelen het allemaal met de deskundige inzichten van een breed scala aan gastsprekers.

Naast algemene afleveringen bevat de Global Gossip ook themaseries, zoals de serie over Europees digitaal beleid die deel uitmaakt van de Jean Monnet-leerstoel EU-ACT DIGITAL.

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Global Gossip?

What is Global Gossip about?

Where can you listen to Global Gossip?

When did Global Gossip start?

Who creates the podcast Global Gossip?