Vya Banjar

Vya Banjar

Shafal hanafi

Kisah-kisah Uma yang dikisahkan wayah handak guring zaman dahulu waktu ulun halus, sekarang mulai ulun dokumenkan dengan cara merekam sakira kisah paninian bahari kawa dikenal oleh generasi 4.0 ini, karena ini kisah diceritakan secara turun temurun di keluarga saya. Walau pun bersuku Banjar belum tentu tahu kisahnya krn memang original blm pernah dipublikasikan seperti cerita hikayat Banjar atau palui

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Vya Banjar?

There are 10 episodes avaiable of Vya Banjar.

What is Vya Banjar about?

We have categorized Vya Banjar as:

  • Kids & Family
  • Stories for Kids

Where can you listen to Vya Banjar?

Vya Banjar is available, among others places, on:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Vya Banjar start?

The first episode of Vya Banjar that we have available was released 28 May 2020.

Who creates the podcast Vya Banjar?

Vya Banjar is produced and created by Shafal hanafi.